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It is recommended to visit your dentist once every six months, that is twice yearly. Regular check ups can reveal problems while still at an early stage, helping to prevent any further damage.

Due to the nowadays advances in dental science, the feeling of pain has been eliminated to the minimum during any kind of dental treatment. Every type of dental treatment can be performed in our clinic completely painlessly with the use of local anesthetics.

Bleeding gums during toothbrushing or even spontaneously is an indication of bacterial inflammation. Your dentist will suggest you the proper way to treat it, always depending on the severity of the problem.

Bad breath occurs mostly due to intraoral causes. Some of these are gingivitis, periodontitis, carious teeth, accumulation of bacterial plaque and the existence of active inflammation in the oral cavity. Firstly, it is required to diagnose the causing agent of bad breath and then eliminate it.

The child’s first visit to the dentist is recommended when the first teeth have erupted in the oral cavity, that is around the age of 12-18 months. This first visit is done mostly for preventive reasons and for the child to get familiar with the dental area.

For maintaining good oral hygiene thorough toothbrushing is required at least twice a day (morning-night).

Toothbrushing should last from 2 to 4 minutes.

There is a big variety of different types of toothbrushes and toothpastes, from different manufacturers. Each of them is designed for a specific cause (e.g sensitive teeth, gingivitis etc). Your dentist will recommend which products suit your dental needs.

Changing your toothbrush with a new one is recommended every 3-4 months. An old toothbrush with frayed bristles cannot clean sufficiently the teeth and is fully loaded with bacteria.

No. Toothbrushing cannot be replaced with the use of mouthwash in any case. Mouthwash is a supplementary tool of oral hygiene which cannot mimic the mechanical removal of food remnants achieved by toothbrushing.